Mark of the Dagger (The Marked Series Book 1) Page 7
"Hey, you ok?" Damien asked and wrapped his arms around her to warm her up.
"Yeah, fine," was her whispered response.
She couldn't figure out what happened. They had just spent the past half hour actually talking about something meaningful. She felt like they were starting to get to know each other, that maybe if anything, they could become friends. He was in a good mood and then all of sudden he stormed off angry? Why?
Dani realized what she had said. ‘Sidetracked’. Surely he knew she didn’t mean it that way? She just meant that she forgot to go get her phone and get back to the cafeteria. But that was only because she was enjoying spending time with Samuel instead.
She felt like she should go after him but when she took a step in his direction Damien stopped her.
"Don't worry about him, that’s just the way he is." After the conversation she just had with him, she doubted it. She wanted so badly to follow him but didn't want to argue with her friends. Besides, she knew where she could find him later. Their tree.
Chapter Nine
That night Dani went to the tree they met in that first time only to find it empty. She sat out there for two hours waiting in hopes that he would show up before she decided to head in to sleep. The next morning she and Jan met Nick on the track and ran five miles.
Throughout her classes she would search for him and never saw him. She did the same thing every day for a week. Still, he never showed. She couldn’t explain this incessant need to talk to him again. She only knew that she had to make sure he understood what she had meant by ‘sidetracked’.
Jan only ran with them twice that week, so she was alone with Nick a lot on the track though they barely talked. He kept pace with her and pushed her at the same time. She was glad that he asked to run with her because he was a great partner.
Friday morning her and Nick were at the track finishing up their five-mile run. At their stopping point Dani and Nick started walking. Nick was listening to his IPod, and she flicked one of the buds out of his ear so she could see what he was listening to.
"Sinatra? Really?" she laughed.
"What?" he asked in mock rage. "Sinatra is amazing."
"Sure. But I can't see how that would work well for working out." She shrugged then sat on the track to stretch.
Nick sat in front of her and started stretching her legs for her. "Thanks," she said. "I think if I were to listen to him it would put me to sleep instead pushing me harder."
"Well-” he started to say when he got cut off by an angry voice.
"Wow Dani, I would think if you were going to let someone fondle all over you, you would at least have the decency do it in your room so your uncle wouldn't see you. I didn't realize you were that kind of girl."
Nick was between her legs helping her stretch pushing them up to her chest. To an outsider it could look like they were in an intimate embrace. Well it would if that person were ignorant when it comes to exercising. And Samuel was not.
It upset Dani that Samuel would intentionally be hurtful to her. She hadn't done anything wrong. And if she had, then he should tell her what it was instead of avoiding her like he has been for the last week. She was about to ask him when Nick stood up to face him.
"What’s your problem Man?" Nick spat. Dani followed and walked over to the two guys facing off.
"I don't have a problem. You’re the one pawing all over Dani for the world to see."
"Jeez Samuel, you know that all we were doing was stretching." Dani said with a roll of her eyes.
"Sounds to me that someone is jealous," Nick laughed.
"Me? Jealous? You know who I am, I could have any girl at this school. Why would I be jealous over some mixed blood?"
When Samuel said those last few words, Dani felt her heart sink. She expected that kind of thing from the other students but never from him.
Nick lunged for Samuel, Dani scrambled to catch his arm and hold him back. "You son of bi-"
“Enough Nick, he's not worth it."
With one last look of disgust on his face, Samuel turned to walk back to the gym. "Give me a minute?" she asked Nick. With a reluctant nod, Dani ran after Samuel.
"Hey, stop Samuel." she yelled after him. He stopped on the sidewalk but didn't turn to face her. When she caught up to him she grabbed his arm and spun him around to face her. Her heart ached from the look of hatred on his face.
"Why?" she whispered. She was so hurt by his comment and still hurt from the other night that she couldn't force her voice any stronger.
"What Dani? I don't have time for this, I'm late for a meeting with the other instructors."
With a deep breath she forced her voice to sound strong. "You know, for the past week I have been looking for you. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I wanted to know what I did to make you walk away from me like you did last week. But after what you just said to us, I don't think I care anymore." She threw up her hands and with a defeated laugh she continued. "Jesus Samuel. I thought we were starting to become friends, but at this point, I don't even want to be friends anymore. You know how hard I have worked. You've watched me practice every spare minute that I have with my uncle. You know how hard I have busted my ass to prove myself to everyone here. You have seen how hard it's been to listen to the whispers and how hurt I have been because of the gossip and the snide comments. All because I have mixed blood. It all really sucks. I never expected to hear it from you and that hurts even worse. I am truly disappointed." Dani realized that she was crying and quickly turned to head back to where Nick waited for her. Samuel tried to stop her with his hand on her arm.
"Dani wait."
"No," she turned around. "Samuel, you have said all you needed to say. I have no desire to hear you talk down on me more." she ran the rest of the way to Nick.
"Get dressed," Jan said barging into Dani's room. It was Friday night and Dani was planning on just lounging around. That was why she was dressed in what she called her lazy pants. They were comfortable and perfect for doing absolutely nothing.
"I am dressed," she replied stubbornly.
"Get better dressed," Jan rolled her eyes and started rifling through Dani's closet. When she flung a black mesh sweater onto the bed Dani yelled. "Hey what are you doing?"
"Damien is throwing a party in his room. Now will you get dressed?"
"He's throwing a party?"
"Yeah, jeez Dani we aren't total outcasts," Jan said. "What do I have to do? Say please?" she said when Dani just stared at her. She folded her hands in front of her as if in prayer, poked her bottom lip out and batted her eyes.
"Even if he is having a party, how are we planning on getting there? There are wards blocking the stairs." She knew she was stalling and she couldn't help it.
"Not the side stairs,” she sang. “Now, no more talking. Get dressed, wear that with blue jeans and your red tank top," Jan said as she turned to study her reflection in the mirror. Seeing that Dani still hadn't moved to dress she turned around in exasperation. "What now?"
"I don't think I should go," she said quietly.
"Bullshit. You’re coming. You've been here almost four months and haven't been to a single party. It’s time for a break, you've been busting your ass nonstop.”
"You know why I haven't been to any parties. I haven't been invited," she pointed out.
"Well, you are invited to this one and any others we throw. If you're nervous about everyone else being dicks, don’t be. They won’t mess with you. Especially after your little demonstration."
Dani couldn't help smiling every time she thought of that, even if there was a little twinge in her heart. “Besides, there won’t be that many people there, now chop-chop."
'Not that many people' to Jan meant about twenty or so. Dani's nerves were taut as wire when she entered Damien’s dorm room. Of course, his room was all the way across campus so they had to sneak out. Jan wasn't lying about the side stairs. She assumed they didn't ward those because they were connected to
the faculty lounge, and students weren't supposed to go in there. She felt wildly out of place and planned to leave as soon as Jan turned her back on her. She didn't belong around all these people. Some of whom, have been making her life hell for the last few months. It seemed to her that mostly everyone pretended she didn't exist, which she was fine with, and she ignored the others.
Damien came over to hug her and hand her a plastic cup. She took it and over the music she yelled, "What is it?"
"It's punch," he said with the same grin that she had learned to be cautious of.
"Is it alcoholic?" she clarified. He laughed and gave her nod.
"Drink it. It'll loosen you up." He took her hand and dragged her farther into the room.
He introduced her to a few people, some she knew by sight, and some she had never seen before. Damien had been here for two years and knew more people than Jan. But since she and Damien were close they pretty much had the same friends.
Dani tried to relax and enjoy herself. She looked at the drink in her hand, sniffed and decided, what the hell and knocked it back. That was the very first drink she had ever had and almost gagged at its potency. Damien saw her face and couldn't hold back his laugh. He tried to hand her another, she shook her head. Better to see how this one would affect her first, she decided. Soon the drink did its job, she was able to relax and enjoy herself.
She wandered around the room a bit, looking to see who all was there. She saw a lot of kids from her classes. Kids were dancing, some were standing in clusters talking, others were in pairs making out, anywhere they could it seemed. And among the people playing tonsil hockey was none other than Samuel. She ignored the quick stab of pain it caused to see it. He was making out with Miss Priss. That's how Dani saw her anyway. All blond and fake. Just like a Barbie doll.
Nick walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulders. "How you doing?" he asked with a sympathetic smile towards her then turned to glare at the back of Samuel’s head.
"I'm fine. He isn't worth us thinking about. I would rather just forget it ever happened. K?" With a nod and a kiss to her cheek he walked over to rifle through Damien's c.ds.
She, Jan and Damien started dancing in the middle of the group to a hip hop song Dani had never heard before. She was laughing and having a good time for the first time since she moved here. Damien was circling around her and Jan and they couldn't stop laughing at his horrible moves.
They were soon joined by another boy. She thought she heard Jan say his name was Jordan. He was nice enough when she talked to him earlier so she turned to dance with him face to face.
"Are you having fun?" he asked her
"Sure,” she laughed.
"How come this is the first time I've seen you?" he asked.
"Because, everyone but Jan, Damien, and Nick treat me like a social pariah," she said honestly and for the first time, without emotion.
"Why?" he asked curiously.
"Do you know who I am?" she countered.
"Yeah. You’re Dani DuPont," he smiled.
"And I'm the first mixed blood to be marked. Apparently everyone thinks I'm unworthy." She pointed out.
"That's stupid. Besides, from what I hear you do ok."
"Dani," came a not so happy voice from her left. She turned and groaned. Jordan saw that it was Samuel and quickly backed off. Chicken.
"If you didn't come to take his place then that was pretty rude, don’t you think?" she said.
"Come outside with me," he said.
"No, Sammy boy I don't think I will. I was having a good time and you just scared off the only guy who would talk to me. What the hell's the matter with you?''
"Are you drunk?" he asked, unrightfully outraged.
"No I am not, I had only one drink. Besides it's a party, that’s what people do at parties."
He shook his head, and she saw that he was clenching his fists as if he wanted to hit something. "Why are you so mad?” she asked him. Finally fed up with the way he was constantly belittling her. "You are constantly talking down to me and I've had enough of it." The alcohol may have loosened her tongue a little too much. "I don't know what your problem is, or what I ever did to you but just leave me the hell alone. I don't- Mmmpf. put me down," she yelled when he lifted her over his shoulder. She noticed the startled looks of her friends and the curious looks of the other partiers. She sent Jan a look hoping that she would rescue her but Jan just stood there in shock.
He didn't set her down until they were in the quad, alone.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she yelled. "What gives you the right to do that? What’s it matter to you. Why do you think it's alright for you to be at that party and not me?"
"You’re drunk. You were making a fool of yourself, Dani." he said angrily.
"I was not," she said just a vehemently. "I was dancing with my friends. You were the one practically having sex in front the entire school."
"This isn't about me- and F.Y.I- I was not. This is about you. You were the one all over Jordan in there. Excuse me for trying to stop you from making a fool of yourself especially after you've worked so hard to 'prove' yourself."
"I was just dancing. I. was. Not. All over Jordan. And I don't need you coming to my aid every time you think I’m screwing up. I don't care what you think of me Samuel Johnson. I don't care if you think I’m a slut, a bitch, a lousy fighter, or even the fucking queen of England. Stay out of my way from now on." Dani was so mad, and she didn't mean a thing she just said, yet she wouldn't take it back. In fact it mattered a lot what he thought of her, although she would never admit.
"Nick was right, I think you’re jealous," she muttered and started to walk back to the party.
"Me? Jealous?" he asked incredulously. "Don't you realize who I am? Why would I be jealous of a little girl like you dancing with someone else? I was just trying to help." Though what he said hurt her, again, she wouldn't let him know it.
"No you weren't. You were purposefully getting in the way. And I don't give a flying fig who you are, I've told you that before!"
"Besides," he continued as if she hadn't spoken. "You're the one that seemed to be paying attention to my activities tonight. I think it's you that’s jealous."
"You have lost your ever-loving mind Samuel," she said angrily and threw her hands into the air. She was mad because he was right and she hated that. "Now you’re just being immature. Why is it that you've picked me to torment? Can't you see that I can't stand you? Is it because I don’t fall at your feet like the rest of the Hunters society? Is that why? Or is it because you like to kick people when they're already down. Because I've been down ever since I've been here... That is until tonight. I'm finally making friends and you had to cause a scene in there. Now no one is going to talk to me because they'll be too scared of you. Well let me tell you this." she said and poked him in the chest. She advanced and poked until they were standing very close. She was mad enough that she didn't even notice. "I am not one of those people who are scared of you. And I will not let you keep me down. Go back to your Barbie doll and leave me the hell alone. If you mess with me again you'll be sorry."
"How sorry," he said roughly. He grabbed her hands and held them behind her back, pressing his body hard against hers and holding her prisoner in his embrace. His head was slowly descending to hers and she had just enough time to breathe, "Don’t you dare."
Ignoring her demand his lips met hers softly, still giving her the chance to back away. This wasn’t how Dani imagined her first kiss happening but she refused to back down. Samuel took her acceptance as a go ahead and forced her mouth open with his tongue.
He tightened his grip on her arms and deepened the kiss and Dani couldn’t take it anymore. Being honest with herself she knew that she had been dreaming of this since she fell out of the tree. On the other hand, she had zero experience with boys and the thought of Samuels kiss scared the daylights out of her.
The fell of his lips against hers was blis
s. She had never felt this out of control yet complete sense of calm before, and especially never at the same time. The excitement and nerves of first love, the scary anticipation of what would happen next. And the serenity that flowed through her at knowing that Samuel would be with her to find out. It sounds impossible but Dani thought that she could literally feel the little click of her heart as it opened to him. He released her arms to pull her closer still, one hand tangling in her hair, the other wrapping around her waist. She moved her arms up around his neck and held him close, pouring all of her love into the kiss, hoping that he would feel it.
When Samuel finally pulled back Dani couldn't tell in the dark night but she thought his eyes were shining with passion. He took another step back and said, "See, I think I just proved my point." She could tell now that his eyes were shining in amusement, and nothing more.
She had to clear her throat before she could ask, "What point was that?"
"That you were the one who was jealous. That you do care what I think." He took another step closer. "I think you wanted me to kiss you, and you have for a long time. You are wrong in thinking that I was jealous, little one. That I was interested in you, I'm not. I only kissed you to prove to you that you're full of shit. And there is something you should know about Jordan. The guy is a tool. He uses girls and throws them aside quicker than you can say vampire, so the next time someone tries to help you out, don't be a bitch. Listen to what they have to say before you go all high and mighty on them. You think you're better than everyone else that judged you when you first came here? You're wrong, you've judged me and everyone else too, so you're just as bad as them. You don't know me Dani, you don't know anyone, and if you keep acting like this then you never will."
She turned around to head back to her dorm room without backward glance at the boy she loved and her friends who had come out to see what was keeping her. She didn't want any of them, especially Samuel to see her cry. The things he said weren’t true; she didn’t judge everyone else, not like he meant. And yes, maybe she put him into a certain category but that wasn’t until after she had talked to him the first time. She didn’t do it with just one look at the guy like everyone else did to her.